Websites and Digital Marketing for Pregnancy Centers | Adoption Agencies | Maternity Housing | Social Service Agencies | Pregnancy Care Vendors

Young Woman Searches Online For Pregnancy Options


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What are 3-Minute Marketing Tips?

3-Minute Marketing Tips are quick, informational, and practical videos that help you leverage the web to use your website, email, social, and technology to reach more women and donors in your community.

To access your 3-Minute Marketing Tips, create a free account. We regularly add more helpful video tips, so you can come back anytime to access new or previously watched video tips.


For Life Marketing Brandmark
Who is For Life Marketing?

For Life Marketing is a partnership between Perk Brands and the United for Life Foundation. Working together, you benefit from our expertise and experience in serving, marketing, fundraising, and the smart use of technology.

Who is United for Life Foundation?

The United for Life Foundation has been helping pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations grow through critical administrative, fundraising, and communication services for nearly two decades.

Who is Perk Brands?

Perk Brands is a successful digital marketing agency that helps businesses, nonprofits, and pregnancy centers use digital marketing to grow their brand and business beyond their wildest dreams.

Receive full-service pro-life marketing for your pregnancy center.

Your center can positively affect more lives with an impactful website and digital marketing that creates awareness and prompts action.
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Get a Website

You can have a website that resonates with women in your community and is attractive to donors. This service delivers professional design, a proven content framework, and calls to action to engage your visitors—all with no hefty upfront fees.

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Get Appointments

When a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy starts looking online, you have a limited window of time to connect. Make the most of this opportunity. This service ensures your center can be found online and, once on your site, that making an appointment is quick and easy.
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Get Donations

When people in your community are aware of the vital work done at your center, they’re more likely to get involved and give. This service uses online channels to reach your community, help them see your impact, and encourage action and giving through touch-point emails.

Get a Website

Get a website that reaches women in your community and attracts donors with beautiful design and clear messaging that calls visitors to action.

Get Appointments

Receive the search and social marketing effort needed for women to find you online - then quickly and easily request appointments and resources.

Get Donations

Receive online marketing that improves donations by helping your community see the vital work you do, get involved, and support your pregnancy center.

License and Terms of Service

Through this service, you (Licensee) are paying for a non-exclusive license for a specified service period to use our (Licensor) content, layouts, keyword intelligence, proprietary research, personalizations, and software. We are not transferring content rights or ownership to you, and you cannot reproduce Smart Content in part or whole. Under this license, we will publish Smart Content to your website and make every reasonable effort for the Smart Content and personalizations to remain accessible and accurate during the service period. We monitor and make adjustments based on search engine algorithms and business practices to optimize the value of Smart Content. However, there is no performance guarantee regarding search engine ratings or rank for Smart Content, your web pages, or your website during or after the service period. You agree to automatically pay the monthly fee for your Smart Content license for the service period using the credit card you've entered. If the Smart Content service is canceled or terminated for any reason, the Smart Content will no longer be available to you or published on your website. Service refunds are not available. Please provide a 20-day or more written notice to cancel the Smart Content service.